Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Lauren Fleshman — 18 Days with Hit Reset

Lauren Fleshman is one of the original Athletes for Yoga. Not only did she lead by example on the pages of Hit Reset book as an athlete model, but she also wrote an awesome guide to how she incorporates the book into her training and life.

You can read Hit Reset “how to” on her website (originally published when Hit Reset launched in 2016), and we’re sharing her guide — 18 Days with Hit Reset — below.



Read the first two chapters right away, “Intro” and “Rediscover Balance” so you get a handle on Erin’s philosophy before you go digging into random poses.

DAY 2 – 10

Over these eight days, dig into only one chapter each day and that’s it. Each chapter focuses on a different area of the body, and takes you from the intellectual, into the physical, and then finishes with personal application. Set aside about 15-30 minutes to work on it. Over the next 24 hours you’ll have an increased awareness of how you are using that area of the body in your daily life which will really make things land for you.

DAY 11

Read the Epilogue and Routines pages, and make notes on the book on things that you know will be important for you, with the new awareness you have about your body’s imbalances and opportunities for improvement.

DAY 12 – 18

Go to page 174 and use Erin’s recommended schedule for the next seven days and see what happens. I have a strong feeling you’ll want to keep it rolling.

We’d love to hear if you use this 18 day guide by Lauren Fleshman! Share with #athletesforyoga. Be sure to check out the Self-Test Collection from HIT RESET.