Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Ask, Accept, Adapt: How to Make Your Own Practice Plan

"Being adaptable and accepting of the present is important."

– Stephanie Marie Howe, Pro Ultra Runner ⁠

⁠When we asked the A4Y Pros a full year ago what their hardest won lesson in 2019 was, that was part of Steph's response. This rings true now more than ever and is a reminder that, COVID aside, uncertainty is the only certainty in sport and life. Things will always be unpredictable and require acceptance of current realities, and fluid, ongoing adaptation. ⁠

⁠The more efficiently you accept where you really are, the more fluid and productive your steps forward can be. Resisting reality or making rigid, unattainable goals, are steps backwards or, at "best", stagnation. ⁠But there is a path of less resistance. Ask, accept, adapt, and you might find that you’re not only able to more easefully manage what comes at you each day, but also to welcome it.


Sit with your current reality… be honest and realistic as you set your agenda for the next 7 days.

  • How can you use yoga to support yourself this week? Consider your workouts, work, family, potential stressors… for each day. A little bit of yoga goes a long way to help you get the most out of everything else, so be open to how you can use yoga strategically to optimize your week. For example, can you do 5 minutes of hamstring flexibility practice pre-run? Or 30 minutes of core work and then Full Body Reset before bed? Maybe you have a key workout that requires a longer warm up and Reset ? Is there a day when getting you legs up the wall for 5 minutes before bed will be a huge win?

  • Make your A4Y Practice Plan. Be ambitious in your hopes for the week ahead, and remember there will likely be days when you’ll need to “ask, accept, and adapt” again. Don’t stall out in all-or-nothing mentality. Maybe you don’t have time for the 30 minute Comprehensive Hip + Hamstring Reset you planned, but could you can do 5-Minute Hamstring Reset in the morning + 5-Minute Hip Reset in the evening? Or maybe you’ll move a hard workout because you didn’t get enough sleep, or your hammies are feeling off. Ask, accept, adapt! Keep going and you will feel the difference.

  • Review your week and plan the next. Anchor your wins and assess your challenges, adapt the next week’s plan and keep rolling.

Remember, we are always available to help you find your best Reset, or share a weekly plan in alignment with your life and goals. Reach out on social or!