Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Hit Rest: Optimize Your Naptime

Sometimes you are beyond the need to Hit Reset — you literally cannot even type that extra "e". Our next video collection is for you... Introducing The HIT REST Collection! It's about napping smarter AND harder, no matter what's going on. Inbox overflowing? Toddler losing it? Booty so sore you can't walk up the stairs? Just stop. Hit Rest.

Videos include:

  1. Naptime: How to find the best place to nap — we're talking that perfect sunny nook.

  2. Align your ZZZ: 5 napping positions to sleep even deeper.

  3. Sleep Endurance: Enough with the cat naps, train yourself to sleep all day long.

HIT REST FTW and never get sleepy again.