Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Let Go Visualization

A restorative practice for the last day of the year. This meditation will help you let go of anything that didn't go "right" and ease any lingering tension. Relax, recover, grow. Let go.


  • Sit comfortably.

  • Take a deep breath in... a slow breath out.

  • Continue to deepen your breathing.

  • Recall a task, interaction, situation… where you feel like you might have fallen short. Be specific about what happened and the feeling it left you with.

  • Rather than being hard on yourself about it, relax and see the situation as a lesson learned about how you want to handle things next time — visualize yourself behaving in a way you are most proud of.

  • Notice how the way you feel about that situation softens, and your body follows.

  • Now, let go. See yourself as you right now, stronger for what has happened so that you can be content and relax in this moment in preparation for the year ahead.

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