Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Wave the Flag!

You may have heard the adage, “Sports mirrors life.” To that we’d add, “Yoga mirrors sports mirrors life.” The way you behave/perform on your yoga mat is a direct reflection of how you behave/perform in your sports, which is a direct reflection of how you behave/perform in life.

Your yoga mat (and hell, you don't even need a mat!) then becomes a forum to observe, without judgement, how you are in any given moment. When we take this time for ourselves, we can become more aware of what holds us back from the sense of balance that we are designed for. It's only then that we can more clearly discern how we want to be and how to get there, rather than defaulting to being a walking reaction.

In sports and in life, when you sustain balance everything becomes more ease-ful. Helping you to feel this vision clear in your head and full in your heart is our mission — our passion. Our manifesto summarizes ideas for training and living that we believe in and practice. This is our M.O., and we hope that these possibilities will bring you more ease on your own journey. So, no matter where you are or what your goals, we hope you’ll join the Reset Revolution — wave the flag!

Hit Reset. Use yoga to sustain balance for your sports and your life.

Take a deep breath in… a slow breath out. Your breath is your most powerful and accessible tool — use it to full advantage.

Posse up, OMies. Help keep your community balanced — grab a friend or teammate and roll out a mat. And, don’t be afraid to hit the pub afterward. The more the merrier.

Lead by example. Believe in yourself fearlessly. In doing so, everyone around you will have greater belief in themselves.

Keep it real. Yoga should optimize all your hard work, rather than work against it. Make it practical — keep it relevant.

Expect ease. Because frazzled is not fit, and being injured sucks, recognize when you're out of balance and what you need day-to-day, moment-to-moment. Most importantly, be willing to respond.