Bon Anniversaire Oiselle...
On August 20th last year, I coached Oiselle through their first A4Y for Runners session. They said they needed yoga for dummies and I was a dummy when it came to running — put it this way, Lauren Fleshman was in that first class and I was like “Hey, who’s that?” Yes. It was a good match. (Huge thank you to our CM Kendra Clawson and Oiselle's Jacquelyn Komen for setting up that first class!) At the time, I was thrilled that my message of balance resonated with them. But the truth is, I’m even more thrilled that I’ve had the chance to get to know The Nest (aka their HQ gals), and the Oiselle Team (now known as Haute Volée and Volée) runners who have, literally, flocked to our classes over the last year.
I’ve always liked running — I was the weirdo on my collegiate basketball team who relished whipping everyone in our weekly mile run test — but since then have been totally focused on, well, yoga. Since working with Oiselle, something unexpected has happened: I’m running way more than I ever have. Along the way, I’ve made new friends and forged new partnerships (including collaboration with Super Jock ‘N Jill), not to mention have optimized my own fitness. Plus, there's the #flystyle. Oiselle is an apparel company, after all. Get on it, people.
Feeling the truth of Oiselle’s motto, “When the legs go fast, the heart goes free…” in my own body has made me a better yoga teacher because, as I continue to embrace my inner athlete, I can more readily relate to and design practical classes for the runners and athletes I train. Runners I meet while actually running are now coming to my classes. And, the conversations we have out on the road — about their injuries, about what’s going on in their lives, about their race goals — are my inspiration for what to teach.
I’ve always been excited about teaching yoga to athletes, but Oiselle has gotten me excited about running. CEO Sally Bergesen has not only designed the best running (and yoga!) apparel there is, but has inspired women everywhere to "Go fast, take chances." That is truly game-changing.
And so, on this first anniversary I'm grateful to the women of Oiselle for friendship, for community, for believing in me, and for helping me to remember who I am.
Here’s some highlights from the birds’ inaugural year of Athletes for Yoga. Time flies, especially when you’re hanging out with fast women…
August 20, 2012
Oiselle Team's first Athletes for Yoga sesh.
Pretending to be preggers at Lauren Fleshman's baby shower.
Yep, we're fan girls.
Sally, Sarah, and Kate. Reset Revolutionistas.