Contest: Running Buddies

Who's your running buddy? Shout them out on Twitter for a chance for both of you to win HIT RESET book. Contest details are below — read on to hear who Sarah Mac, Beth Baker and Jillian’s real-life running buddies are for inspiration. Spoiler alert: one is digital. 

PRIZE: HIT RESET by Erin Taylor
HOW TO ENTER: Shout out your running buddy on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Use hashtag #A4YRB.
Entries close at midnight PST October 16.
HOW TO WIN: Cross your fingers! Winners will be chosen randomly. 

Ready, set, run! And #hitreset.


Runner: Jillian Murphy
Running buddy: Her dad (Kevin Murphy)

My dad ran cross country in high school and participated in track and road races while in the Army, and I ran track in high school. He introduced running to me at a young age — I remember doing my first race (a 100-meter dash that I won!) when I was about 8 years old.

The first race we did together was a 5k when I was 10 — we ran the whole thing together, and he told me to sprint at the end, which is something I held onto! We've done loads of races together over the years, but we started being participants in each others' training about a year and a half ago when I ran my first half marathon (he paced me the whole way).

Now I live in Boston (I'm from central Massachusetts), so whenever I'm home or he comes for a visit, we go for a run. We call each other most every day to check in and see how the other is doing in their training or if there are any races we want to sign up for. 

We're running a half marathon in November — a year later, this is our fourth one together! We ran one through Zion National Park in March and another local one in May. He's also gearing up for an ultra marathon in October, and I'll be his crew and pacing him in his last 15 miles.

Follow Jillian on Twitter and Instagram.

Runner: Beth Baker
Running Buddy: Running Evolution Pack

When I started running, I was so scared to hold someone back that I hoofed it solo for 2 years. I did have a bright yellow cassette walkman for company and rocking out. 

When I started Running Evolution, I was the buddy. I ran with people, so they would feel comfortable and to help take their mind off the hard parts. When I started groups, I tried to make sure everyone had a co-runner for the same purpose. 

Having a running buddy helps you achieve your goals because when you are running with someone, you have instant peer pressure. The added pressure to keep up, and not stop. And when everyone starts at the same level, you become more accountable to the training, especially when people are counting on you to show up and run with them. Works every time. 

From training people to run for the last 10 years, I have the fun super power to see their fitness future. I know it's hard for them, and I know that there will be struggle, but I can see what they are capable of from the get go. It's really amazing to see their evolution. 

If you’re not in Seattle and always dreamed of running with Running Evolution, you’re in luck. We know a secret.

Subscribe at Running Evolution to know first and of course follow the incomparable Beth Baker and Running Evolution on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Runner: Sarah Mac
Running Buddy: Oiselle Volée. And Elizabeth Gilbert… and Krystyna Hutchinson, Scott Aukerman, Adam and Meg of FloTrack, Cheryl Strayed, Dan Savage…

I have been running many years in many cities. Sometimes with a team. Sometimes with a friend. Sometimes all alone. Right now is an all alone time. I just moved to a new city and am training off hours often. So it’s me and my virtual buddies. 

The Oiselle Volée has introduced me to some of my closest, farthest away running buddies. I Snapchat with Rebecca Trax and text Heather Stephens, and Tweet like a bird with everyone else. They inspire me and make me laugh but I can’t take them on the road. 

My number one running buddy ramping up to NYC Marathon has been Podcasts! Hey, I gotta keep it real, right? From Guys We F*cked to Big Magic, and everything in between. It’s like gabbing with a bestie… who has awesome stories and never lets you talk. 

You can follow Sarah Mac at Running Starfish, Twitter, and Instagram.