Meet Team Athletes for Yoga — Coach Duni Disston

Duni’s classes are constantly evolving to reflect her ever-changing passion for the practice. She's all about anatomical alignment, self care, and balance.

A lifelong competitive soccer player, Duni found yoga in her college years and, like many athletes, initially had to struggle against the urge to turn downward facing dog into a competition. After years of practice, she has become more aware of her natural competitive nature and learned to optimize it by staying more balanced. Now, she knows what muscles to strengthen and stretch to prevent injuries, and believes that without yoga she would still suffer from the serious low back and hip issues that plagued her early on in her athletic career.

Off the mat, Duni follows her love for the ocean and takes onto paddle boards to practice yoga and experience the Puget Sound’s marine life — this woman is obsessed with Orcas! She also embraces her Brazilian roots by getting down on the dance floor with a caipirinha in hand, and traveling down south to visit family.