NEW Seattle Winter Cross-Training Series

Set the tone for a balanced year ahead...

Whether you're a runner or cyclist, skier or snowboarder, winter is a great time to cross-train. This new Seattle-based 4-week series will help you "Hit Reset" with practical injury prevention and recovery techniques that will balance your strength and flexibility — as well as effort and ease — and optimize your performance in 2016, no matter where your active lifestyle takes you.

Week 1: Core. Strengthen your center to improve your posture and gain more power in all your movement.
Week 2: Booty. Stabilize your hips and strengthen your stride.
Week 3: Arms. Ease shoulder stress and imbalances.
Week 4: Stress Relief. Learn practical techniques to ease physical and mental tension from your workouts and workdays.

All levels welcome (even if you don’t consider yourself an athlete). We will have a few extra mats available but please BYOM (bring your own mat) if you can.

When: Thursdays 6:30–7:30pm, January 7–28
Location: Bala Yoga (Studio B), 3624 Stone Way N.
Cost: $60 (includes all 4 classes and Picky Bars)

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