Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Athletes for Yoga Pro Tip: Tame Your Taper

If you’ve got a race on the calendar this fall, it’s nearly time—taper time. It can be a confusing space to navigate, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead of throwing a taper tantrum, embrace this critical time to wind down your workouts and gather your energy and strength for competition. Shift your focus to recovery so that you can fully absorb all of your hard work.

Use this quick wall-based routine to ease lingering stiffness and tension (especially in your hamstrings, hips, and back) and take full advantage of one of the most important things between you and the starting line: your taper. 

Do as often as possible before race day, holding each pose for 5–10 deep breaths, and Legs up the Wall for up to 15 minutes.

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