Athletes for Yoga School: Embrace Balance

It’s the final week of Athletes for Yoga School! In week one, we learned how to listen to our bodies, adapt as needed, and to structure optimal recovery sessions. Through week two we got schooled in functional strength focused on intrinsic muscles that create stability and optimize power. You might even be sore in muscles you didn’t know existed after last week’s homework. 

In this final week, we’ll learn about Balance. The balance between flexibility and strength — working out and working IN. How to identify your baseline for balance, and how to continually encourage your body back toward it. 

Balance is different for everyone, everyday. Some days, keeping yourself balanced might mean hard work, and some days, balance might require you to scrap your workout and focus on recovery.

Repetitive movements, overuse, stress of all kinds... the reality is that most of our pursuits in sport and life inevitably cause some kind of imbalance both physically and mentally. However, beneath it all, you possess an innate knowledge — a baseline — of where you’re meant to be and that is a state of balance. Your body is engineered for it and all your systems crave it. When you embrace this reality, it optimizes everything.

Use this week to learn how to check in on your imbalances, weekly and/or daily, and how to use Athletes for Yoga Video to return to your baseline of balance. 


Assessment Videos
Establish a Blueprint for Center
Make Balance Your Baseline Meditation

Additional Recommended Reading
Balance Blogs Library


  1. Use both videos above to assess your areas of imbalance today. Keep in mind these may vary drastically day to day because imbalance and balance aren't static points.

  2. Note your findings.

  3. Use The Yoga for Balance Collection to strategically settle back into balance, again and again.

Class dismissed! Onward to using yoga to crush your goals. Reach out on social media (@athletesforyogahq) or for more recommendations for videos or reading! And remember if you're not a subscriber yet, try it free for 14 days!