Outdoor Studio Challenge with Yoga for Climbers

Summer can feel so fleeting, like the weeks are playing on fast forward. So during this last month of summer, bend time and slow down the sun saturated days by being present. One of our favorite ways to absorb this season is taking yoga to the outdoor studio. 

This month we’re teaming up with Yoga for Climbers to challenge you to use your outdoor studio. Let Yoga for Climbers’ Instagram feed be your muse — it's full of inspiration for taking your yoga out under the sun or stars. So roll out your mat, blanket, towel or just feel the ground beneath your feet and share with #myoutdoorstudio

Plus every Wednesday in August we’ll be handing our Instagram over to Yoga for Climbers to share some of their favorite stretches to stay balanced for climbing and beyond. After all, summer is for shaking it up, and whether you're a climber or not we have a feeling you'll dig getting out of your routine.

See what happens when you take your yoga outside. We can’t wait to see your corner of this earth with #myoutdoorstudio