Picky Bars, Picky Life: The Inside Scoop

We couldn't be more psyched about grubbing Picky Bars because, well, doing yoga (or anything, for that matter) with a growling stomach sucks. Not only do these bars taste great, they're also made by true badasses. To all you Picky Life rookies out there, here's the inside scoop straight from Picky HQ in Bend, Oregon...

Picky Bars was created by pro runners Lauren Fleshman and Steph Rothstein alongside Lauren’s husband, pro triathlete Jesse Thomas. Lauren and Steph originally created the recipe for Picky Bars to fill an unmet nutritional need. Steph had a multitude of food allergies including Celiac’s and Lauren’s husband Jesse was gluten and dairy intolerant. After lots of brainstorming, they decided to do things the good old-fashioned way and began making bars in their own kitchen. The goal? Real food balanced for sport.

After lots of experimenting and research, Picky Bars was born! Other ideals present in the "Picky Bar" include: real food (no artificial sweeteners and unpronounceable chemicals), optimal for recovery (a 4:1 balanced ratio of carbohydrates and protein), and a bar that can be used for snacks and pre-workout. Each bar includes 200 calories of good shiz you feel happy about putting into your body!


While creating a supercalifragilistic product has been a necessity, there is something of equal importance that really sets Picky Bars apart: the "Picky lifestyle."  Picky Bars is constantly encouraging all customers to get out and explore; to have an endless zest for life and adventure. Picky Bars; It’s freaking science, dude.

Stay tuned for more good juju from our Picky OMies — they'll be blogging for us regularly! And, together we'll be hooking you up with some of our fave flavors at upcoming events including Athletes for Yoga at Hilliard's Beer on April 5. Booyah!

P.S. Athletes for Yoga is repping Team Green! How bout you?! Join the Picky Club to get in the (Picky) game...