How To: Hit Reset Post-Marathon
You just crossed the marathon finish line. Congrats! But now what? Now is the time to Hit Reset — use yoga to restore balance — and optimize the recovery process. We have your complete plan from the first 2 hours after your marathon to a week after.
But first, a hydration PSA: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. If you plan to celebrate with some adult beverages, be sure to go at least one to one with water. Add an electrolyte to the mix like nuun, and if you can stomach it, some Pedialyte before bed.
If you finished a marathon, you’ll likely be hobbling to your hotel or home. It’s a bit of a circus. If you’re warm enough, Hit Reset even before you shower, otherwise right after. Take 5 minutes to hit up some key stretches before you nap or celebrate. You’ll notice a huge difference in your post-marathon shuffle.
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Quick Post Run Reset (> 10 minutes)
If you really can’t manage the 5 or 10 minutes, we get it. Repeat after us: Anything is better than nothing. Try one pose as you relax, nap, scroll social media, or whatever. One of our top picks for runners is Reclined Hero: Lie on your back with your feet wider than hip width and drop your thighs together into a triangle shape. Breathe deeply.
Reclined Hero
Before you turn in for (hopefully) great night of restorative sleep, choose a longer video that gently encourages your body to relax and recover. We’re talking all passive stretching, no more work for you today. Breathe deeply and honor yourself and your run.
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Again, if that's too much of a time commitment get your legs up the wall and breathe deeply for at least 5 minutes. Even that will make a huge impact on your recovery.
Getting out of bed is your new marathon. Joints are rusty and loud, cracking and popping. It’s common to have low back and hip pain. You may feel hunched over.
First slam some water. Whatever you can get down right away and make your goal to sip at least 2–3 liters today. Keep your hydration game strong.
This morning choose a longer video that will unwind your back and hips, lubricate your joints, and unstick those velcro-like muscle fibers that are likely super stuck together. If you’ve really angered a muscle or tendon, be gentle — just hit legs up the wall along with a meditation. Or repeat last night’s passive stretching session. Now isn’t the time to push your body. It’s the time to gently encourage it back to balance.
Make a goal to do one session in the morning and one before bed. And hit some of your favorite poses (Pinwheel!) or 5-minute resets as needed throughout the day.
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Additional Targeted Resets:
You are officially in the off season, even if just for a week or two. Each day listen to your body and respond accordingly. It’s a great time to splurge on some of those treats that are off limits during training, like staying up late or having an extra glass of wine, but also splurge on recovery time.
Legs Up the Wall
Some days your recovery might be Legs Up the Wall before bed, and others you might do a 40-minute Hit Reset session. No matter how much time you have, make it your goal to do 5 minutes of active recovery every day. You’ll see huge payoff when you return to training. And as you return to normal life (and walking this week).
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As always, share how you’re recovering post-race and using Athletes for Yoga Video with #hitreset and #athletesforyogavideo. Congrats! Enjoy your recovery — you've earned it.