Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Stacey Privia's Year of Athletes for Yoga #hitreset365

Stacey Privia started a year long Athletes for Yoga streak this January. Halfway through the year we checked in with Stacey, and her streak is still going strong! Whether you're an Athlete for Yoga or an #athletesforyoga streaker, Stacey offers valuable insight and inspiration for how to use Athletes for Yoga. Read on!

What was the inspiration behind the #hitreset365 Athletes for Yoga Streak?
Being an injury-prone athlete, I spent the last couple months of 2016 asking myself: What could I be doing differently to combat those injuries? Then it dawned on me, I don’t take time for recovery. Sure, maybe I would do yoga or foam rolling once or twice a week, but nothing consistent. After seeing an Athletes for Yoga Instagram post in December with the caption “5 minutes of yoga a day is way more impactful then going to one class a week,” I decided why not try it? And with that, #hitreset365 was born.

What are the “rules” around it?
At least five minutes a day. Some days I get to do a full 30+ minute practice, others it’s five minutes of legs up the wall while reviewing notes for an exam or trying to figure out my next swim set or track workout.

What has surprised you about the streak so far?
I’m always hesitant to use the word easy when it comes to pretty much anything, but I’m going to use it: it’s been surprisingly easy to stick with it. I think that comes with time and realizing that not only is it helping me physically but also mentally. 

How do you stay on top of it?
I plan ahead. I’ll look at my training schedule for the week, choose the best practice based on the scheduled workout and enter it into Training Peaks. Of course, it’s subject to change based on how I'm feeling. If I’m really running short on time, I’ll just put my legs up the wall for five minutes before bed. 

They say it takes 30 days to create a new habit, was there a point that it became more easily habitual?
When I first started in January, I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to #hitreset. I think I finally turned that alarm off sometime in March after I ran Rock ‘n’ Roll DC and realizing how much I had benefited from daily practice. Now it’s just a regular part of my day.

What’s the biggest challenge so far?
Two things: The daily Instagram posts (though, it’s kind of become a routine at this point) and doing the longer videos I enjoyed while half marathon training as my half Ironman training progresses. 

What’s the biggest benefit so far?
I’d say there’s been two benefits: 

  1. I trained for and finished my 13th half marathon — injury free — that’s the first time I’ve ever finished a half without IT band or shin issues.

  2. Being able to quiet the negativity in my mind during a hard workout just by focusing on the task at hand. I focus on breathing techniques that I have learned through Athletes for Yoga videos or repeat positive mantras to myself during the workouts.

Advice for the Athletes for Yoga July streakers? 
Have fun and do what you can — even if it is only five minutes of legs up the wall. Your body and mind will thank you for the daily Reset.

Follow Stacey Privia for more inspiration and if you're not a subscriber to Athletes for Yoga Video, try it free for 14 days!