
Yoga is a practice.

More specifically, we use it as a practice of sustaining balance in order to optimize our experiences in sport and in life — to recover, prevent injuries, and perform to our full potential.

One of the things I love most about this practice is that you can do it anytime, anywhere — you don’t even need a mat. And, the beauty is that the more you embrace that reality, the more you live your yoga and as a result begin to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

You live your yoga when you choose to skip an extra workout in exchange for a much-needed Legs up the Wall sesh. You live your yoga when you acknowledge a nagging tweak/strain/pain and choose to address it rather than ignoring it and pushing yourself into a full-blown injury. You live your yoga when you’re on the last lap, in the last inning, or in overtime, and you find it within yourself to keep going not by gritting your teeth, but by taking a deeper breath.

Your “view from my mat” then becomes a simple practice of opening your eyes — opening your heart — and seeing what’s there day-to-day, moment-to-moment, because it’s only with that awareness that you can do what needs to be done to sustain balance.

We invite you to practice this awareness with us this summer at our #outdoorstudio and beyond. Use Instagram and Twitter to share your #viewfrommymat and realize that your yoga practice is happening all the time — you just have to open your eyes and look.

PS! The Outdoor Studio kicks off Tuesday, June 3, 6:30pm at Green Lake (across the street from Super Jock ‘N Jill), and will continue Tuesday eves all summer long! No need to sign-up, just come Hit Reset! Please BYOM (bring your own mat).