Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Athletes for Yoga Pros Moms

Athletes for Yoga Pros Chelsea Sodaro and Stephanie Howe are celebrating their first Mother's Day this Sunday. Ultra Runner Stephanie Howe welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Julien Axel, on December 11, 2020 and triathlete Chelsea Sodaro welcomed her daughter Skye on March 16, 2021.

We caught up with these two mamas to talk about their first months of motherhood. They both have so much insight, humor, and realness to share. We know you'll enjoy reading!

What's been the biggest surprise of motherhood so far?

Stephanie Howe

How much I love this little human! He depends on me for everything. It's amazing to feel this kind of love.

Chelsea Sodaro

So many! Motherhood is so beautiful, but SO hard. I am more in love with my baby than I ever imagined possible, but this is also a freaking marathon! In my mind I envisioned these first weeks being very calm. I imagined that breastfeeding would be blissful bonding moments between me and my daughter. And while we have had some of those moments, we are also really in the thick of figuring each other out. Also, I somehow missed that feeding happens on an interval. I thought that you had two hours between feedings, but feedings actually start every two hours!

The Fourth Trimester is no joke. I've quickly learned that I need to respect my sleep-deprived body and protect our little family until until we're feeling settled and more confident in our new roles.

There’s nothing like the punch-drunk feeling sleep deprivation…any funny stories from these first weeks?


One night, Julien was crying and needed to be fed for like the third time, I turned on the light to get ready to feed him and my partner was like "BABE, that light! Ugh, it's so aggressive!" As if I should just feed him in the dark.... we both started laughing.

I also found many things put in the wrong place, like keys in the fridge or my wallet put in a bathroom drawer. Facepalm.

One of the first days we had him home I was changing his diaper and he peed all over me. Welcome to being a boy mom.... lol.


Ha! My Mom was spending the night with me and Skye and all three of us somehow slept through a feeding. Knowing that I would be totally horrified, my Mom was hoping that I wouldn't look at the clock and wouldn't realized that it was 4am instead of 2am. I burst out laughing when I realized that she was trying to trick me to help me avoid my Mom guilt. As I'm writing this out it doesn't sound very funny, but in the moment I found it absolutely hilarious.

How has your mental and physical health been? How are you practicing real self-care?


It's up and down, honestly. But I try to just take it in stride. Some days I feel a lot better than others, and I don't fight it. If I'm having a rough day, I try to just focus on the things I have control over or bring me a sense of happiness. Even though it can be a lot, I never get tired of caring for Julien. I love him so much! He can always make me smile, even when I'm feeling down. I've never experienced something so powerful as my little boy giggling and smiling at me. It melts my heart.

Physically I'm just being patient with myself. I am able to do some running and biking, but have cleared my plate of any expectations on what that should look like. I'm not trying to "feel like an athlete again" rather I'm just looking at this as part of me now and enjoying the movement I am able to do. Of course I'll race again, but I don't see myself as Stephanie the athlete vs Stephanie the mom. They are both me and will compliment each other well!


Physically I feel better than I expected. My initial recovery after birth went really smoothly and I was able to walk normally two days after giving birth. I was able to spin on my bike 11 days postpartum and start swimming around 3.5 weeks postpartum. I'm not "training" with any sort of intensity yet, but movement feels so good for my body and mind. I'm already realizing that taking a little time for myself each day makes me a better mom. I'm able to be more present and patient with Skye when I have the opportunity to spend some solo time outside.

My mental health has been more of challenge. I started to have some anxiety towards the end of my pregnancy, but that has evolved into full-blown postpartum anxiety since Skye was born. I am really lucky to have great support, but this has caught me off guard a bit. I've been listening to guided meditations while breastfeeding and doing some yoga while Skye is napping.

How is A4Y supporting you? Any favorite stretches or sessions?


5-Minute Foot Reset and Hip Maintenance have been my jam lately. My hips and pelvis still feel a little off and the hip video feels supportive. Especially double pigeon. And I use the foot videos for my chronically rigid feet.


A4Y is a grounding force in my life right now. The videos are the perfect length to squeeze in while Skye is napping. I'm introducing some of the Postpartum Plan and I love the Mama Meditation.

We live in a culture that spends a lot of time talking about 'getting your body back' after birth. we've talked about how regressive and reductive that feels. How are you navigating this as you return to sport?


100% agree with this. I try not to think about what body could previously do, but instead what it can do now. And all while still supporting a baby (literally still growing him). It's actually incredible if you stop to think about it, and makes me more amazed by my body right now. I mean, I grew a tiny human, birthed him, and am now still his sole source of nourishment. That is amazing! It helps keep things in perspective as I add in running and biking. Of course I want to return to feeling like an athlete, but I'm in no rush.


I have big goals for this upcoming season, so I certainly feel some pressure (intrinsic) to find fitness. That being said, I know that the process of returning to sport after pregnancy and birth is one that shouldn't be rushed. I know that I can't cut corners and expect to stay healthy. I want to have a long career and I know that I need to be smart in my return.

My body feels a bit foreign to me at the moment. I love my race-fit body and I loved my pregnant body. This postpartum body is new and different. I believe that my strongest, fastest self is ahead of me, but in order to access that I need to respect this sensitive place that I'm in.

I've never strived to "be as good as I once was" — I always want to get better and improve. My return to sport after pregnancy is another opportunity to reinvent myself — mind, body, and soul — into the best athlete I can possibly be.

Anything that's coming up for you on the journey?


I have so much more gratitude for my mom for everything she did for me as a kid. You really don't realize it until it comes full circle. It's an amazing experience and I feel so fortunate to have a son!


I've never been more grateful for my own Mom than I am since becoming a parent myself. Mothers are the life-blood of the universe and I feel privileged to be Skye's Mama.

Be sure to follow both of these pros on Instagram, @chelseasodaro and @stephaniemariehowe!

And remember to use code A4YPOSTNATAL through May 9, 2021 to snag the A4Y Postnatal Plan 39-page eBook for free.