Welcome Back, Alison Marra!
Photo: Hilary Dahl
When I was first starting Athletes for Yoga years ago, Alison Marra was the first colleague I hired, and for good reason. Balance is a lifestyle pursuit that she embodies. In her life and on the mat, she's highly skilled in recognizing when to go and when to stop—when to work, and when to rest. I'm thrilled to welcome this original team member, sister in sport, and dear friend back to Team Athletes for Yoga, where she'll be helping to lead the Reset Revolution with her amazing breadth of experience. Thank you Alison for sharing your story... – Erin
I’m no stranger to hard work. In third grade, I would leave school early for gymnastics practice and my days were very structured. “We need to talk about time management skills,” my mom said as she sat me down to schedule when I could do my homework amidst all of my obligations. I internalized her advice and no one would ever have to tell me how to prioritize my time again. I was the epitome of a Type A person.
Maintaining perfect grades eventually translated into a career-driven mindset in my early twenties. I wanted to climb the corporate latter and stress was just a banal part of my life. “Life is stressful, everyone feels like this, it’s part of being an adult,” I would tell myself on the way to work every morning.
Then, by way of a family tragedy, I suddenly had to move home and reconnected with yoga. Yoga was something I had studied, but it took a back seat to my career. Sensing a need for change, I began to practice and teach.
In my early days of teaching, Erin Taylor brought me on to her newly established brand, Athletes for Yoga, aimed at helping athletes restore and find balance. I quickly became a legs up the wall convert and started taking deep breaths anytime I felt that familiar twinge of anxiety creep up.
Now, after five years of teaching both power and restorative yoga, I understand that finding balance is a learned skill to be practiced. Anything can become a stressor if you let it. You must schedule in the restorative time, just like you would a meeting.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to work hard and challenge yourself, but taking time to restore is of equal importance. Slowing down gives your mind and body the break and nourishment they deserve. Subsequently, you can hit the ground running and be more efficient, productive, and accomplished than ever before.
The fundamental principles of Athletes for Yoga are something I take very seriously and credit for my newfound sense of balance. If I feel that balance tipping in the wrong direction, you can find me with my legs up the wall, taking deep breaths... even in public places like the airport because, yes, I am that person. I am proud to be that person.
Read Al's complete bio on our coach's page...